
Elevate Your Brand’s Core Values On LinkedIn With Commitments For Company Pages
'Commitments for Company Pages' on LinkedIn allows companies to communicate their core values and substantiate them with tangible evidence.

In an era when the alignment of values is increasingly important, this feature offers a way to set your organisation apart from the rest and attract top talent and clients.

The section, located in the About section of your LinkedIn Company Page, puts your core values in the spotlight. Categories include Career Growth and Learning, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), Environmental Sustainability, Social Impact, and Work-Life Balance.

Why Do Commitments Matter?

The Commitments section of your LinkedIn Company Page lets your company’s values shine. It’s like a spotlight on what truly matters to your organisation that allows you to attract and connect with like-minded people.

If you are aiming to build your employer brand and attract top talent using LinkedIn, then completing the Commitments section is an excellent way to do that. It’s also a great way to shout about your company values to other stakeholders, including clients and associates, who may visit your page.

LinkedIn has enabled companies to share their Commitments within feed posts and even adds them to listings for job adverts now too: “Company’s commitments – such as work-life balance, diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), career growth and learning, social impact, and environmental sustainability – will now automatically show up in the Job Details when you post a job. We’re also introducing a new job search filter so job seekers can easily discover open roles at your organization based on these commitments.”LinkedIn.

1. Career Growth and Learning

Showcase your company’s dedication to enhancing employee skills, nurturing emerging and seasoned managers and leaders, and fostering employee engagement and retention through strategic investments in their professional advancement.

How are you upskilling employees and supporting them in their careers? You will need to write a description and list relevant programs that showcase your company’s dedication to both personal career advancement and the overarching company mission.

Prove it! Provide links to:
You can include up to 5

  • Learning and development stipends
  • Mentorship opportunities
  • Employee tuition assistance programs
  • Learning courses and classes
  • Training programs and initiatives
  • Career success stories
  • Published articles highlighting organisational initiatives for employee education and reskilling opportunities
  • Links to video series or podcasts on upskilling professionals or similar development programs within your organisation

2. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)

Detail concrete methods through which you uphold your commitment to equitable recruitment and selection, cultivating an enriched inclusive environment, and providing the necessary support to retain a diverse pool of talented employees.

How are you building an inclusive work culture and supporting employees from different backgrounds? You will need to write a description and provide a link to a related company report or pledge in this section.

Prove it! Accepted credentials include:
You can include up to 5 and you’ll need the title and link

  • Reports: Offer detailed insights into your DEI efforts. Provide reports that analyse trends, strategic initiatives, and opportunities (third-party research reports, company diversity reports, highlights of employee research group (ERG) programs, or a public or internal DEI audit that can include language and ADA compliance information)
  • Pledges: Showcase tangible actions taken to nurture an inclusive culture. These pledges should explicitly address the needs and concerns of employees from underrepresented groups. Display your commitment to enhancing equity across all communities (a CEO Action for Diversity and Inclusion pledge or similar coalition, an initiative in support of DEI through employee experiences)
  • Certifications: Validate your high DEI standards with external certifications that demonstrate your dedication to providing safe and inclusive workspaces for everyone within your organisation (EQUAL-SALARY Certification, DEI workplace certification, or participation in the United Nations Target Gender Equality program)

You could also provide links to any relevant blog posts, articles, videos, podcasts or similar.

Visit LinkedIn’s DEI hub for best practices.

3. Environmental Sustainability

Showcase the comprehensive efforts of your organisation in implementing sustainability practices, encompassing considerations of environmental, social, and economic consequences arising from your company’s choices.

How are you implementing sustainable practices at your organisation? You will need to write a description and provide a link to a related company report or pledge in this section.

Prove it! Accepted credentials include:
You can include up to 5 and you’ll need the title and link. ​​It is preferable to provide third-party links for credentials such as B Corp, the Climate Pledge, S&P Global Index ESG Rating, CDP scoring, etc.

  • Pledges: Actions or efforts to cultivate a culture focused on making a positive impact for a better planet (SBTi, the Climate Pledge, SME Climate Hub, etc.)
  • Certifications: A designation that your company is meeting high standards of environmental performance and accountability (B Corp, Green Business, Green Seal, etc.)
  • Reports: A document that highlights opportunities and strategic efforts to foster sustainable practices (CDP, EcoVadis, etc.)
  • Third-party ratings: An unbiased assessment of impact given by someone outside of your company and based on set requirements, measures, and risks (ESG rating from S&P Global Index, Morningstar and Sustainalytics, FTSE4Good, environmental management system)

You could also provide links to relevant blog posts, articles, videos, podcasts, etc.

4. Social Impact

Illustrate your impactful efforts in generating positive social change, championing social causes, and contributing to the betterment of underserved communities.

How are you addressing social challenges in the broader community? You will need to write a description and provide a link to a related company report or pledge in this section.

Prove it! Provide links to:
You can include up to 5

  • Corporate social responsibility (CSR) report or statement
  • Information about philanthropic giving
  • Nonprofit partnerships
  • A certification that your company meets high standards of social impact
  • Community engagement efforts
  • A document outlining the steps your organisation has taken to improve its socioeconomic impact on the community or society
  • Links to website content that defines any steps or pledges your organisation has taken to partner with nonprofits for a good cause
  • Blog posts or published articles that share the social impact your organisation has made to the community it serves

5. Work-Life Balance

Outline the actions you are implementing to assist employees in achieving a harmonious equilibrium between their personal and professional obligations.

How are you helping employees maintain a healthy balance between personal and professional responsibilities? You will need to write a description and select between 1-10 work-life balance perks and benefits from a list.

Prove it! Provide links to:
You can include up to 5

  • Flexible working hours
  • Collaborative working space
  • Dedicated focus hours
  • Company offsites and events
  • Links to blog posts highlighting employee experiences with work-life balance
  • A link to your company’s “About Us” page where you can showcase your approach to employee well-being
  • A document overview of the benefits your organisation offers employees

Publishing Your Commitments

To implement the commitments feature, you will need Super Admin status on your company page. Navigate to your Page dashboard and click ‘Edit Page,’ then scroll down to ‘Commitments’ under the ‘About’ category.

You don’t have to add all five.

It’s acceptable to choose one or two that are the most relevant to your company values. Or, if you are set on adding all five, you could start with one and add more over time.

There will undoubtedly be a lot of information gathering and collating involved in this process. You will most likely need to collaborate with your organisation’s Human Resources and Management teams to finalise the wording and fill in any gaps.

It’s very unlikely you already have enough information, data and evidence to hand at this early stage to complete all five categories, and it’s going to take some time to put it all together.

To make this easier for you, I have created a free downloadable Google Drive document with everything required to complete the Commitments section. I have added all the headings, subheadings, character counts and drop-down options so that you can draft your contribution (and get it approved in advance).

If you’d like the link, simply email with ‘Company Page Commitments Template’ in the subject line and I’ll ping it over to you.

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